
16A Soun Ajagungbade Avenue, New Bodija Estate, Ibadan.

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At our academy, we believe in the transformative power of technology and its ability to shape the world for the better.

Java Programming

Java is one of the most popular programming languages. Java offers both object-oriented and functional programming features. Its enduring presence in the tech world is unmatched, making it a wise choice for both budding and experienced programmers.

Its popularity, as evidenced by Java's top 3 ranking in language use worldwide, promises abundant career opportunities. Learning Java can open up exciting opportunities in the tech industry.

Java is widely used, making it a valuable skill for employers. This course not only equips you with the knowledge but also provides hands-on practice with coding notebooks.

Our Java training course has a curriculum curated by industry experts thus allowing learners to hone their Java skills that would allow them to make the best use of all the object-oriented features of this immensely popular programming language. Building robust Java-based applications such as Native development for devices, Game development, Web based applications and much more.

What You Will Learn?
  • Getting Started
  • Primitive data types, variables, and Java keywords
  • Operators and Casting
  • Conditional and Control flow Statements
  • Arrays
  • Methods
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Interfaces and abstract classes
  • Exception handling
  • File Input and Output Operations
  • New Input/Output(NIO2)
  • Wrapper classes
  • Core APIs
  • Generics
  • Collections
  • Lambda Expressions
  • Streams
  • Regular Expressions(RegExp)
  • Annotations
  • Introduction to Concurrency
  • Database Connection with MYSQL
  • GUI programming with Swing
  • Github

Job Opportunities:Web developer, IT Manager, Database Manager, Computer Programmer, Native app developer, Engineering manager, Software Architect

Salary: ($20,000 and $62,000 per year) or (₦20,000,000 to ₦63,200,000 per year)

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Introduction to Java and programming in general

Programming paradigms explained

Java distinct features

Installing, writing and running java in your environment(computer system)

Introduction to Integration Development Environment(IDE)

Understanding Java primitive data types

Understanding variable declaration and initialization

Get to know the keywords in Java

Understanding operators in java

Understanding casting of primitive data types

Understanding the if statement

Understanding the switch statement

Introduction to Django MVT structure (Model, Views and Templates)

Understanding the for, while and do-while loops

Understanding the break and continue keywords

Introduction to array, elements and index in an array

Declaring and initializing an array

Accessing elements in an array

Array length and bounds

Iteration in array

Multidimensional array declaration and initialisation

Built-in java array methods

What is a method, and why methods are needed in an application

Method definition and execution

Method access modifiers

Parameters and arguments in method

Varargs Explained in method

Introduction to classes and objects

Instance members and class members

Constructors and the new keyword

Understanding the this keyword

Access modifiers


The instanceof keyword

Inner classes

Introduction to enums

Java records

What is inheritance, merits and demerits of inheritance

Understanding parent and child classes

Understanding the is-a relationship

Using inheritance

Introduction to Polymorphism

Method overloading and method overriding

The super keyword

Introduction and using sealed classes

Understanding instance and static blocks

Upcasting and downcasting

Understanding an abstract class

Understanding interfaces

Default and static interface methods

Private interface methods

Sealed interfaces

What is an exception and why they are needed

Hierarchy in exception

Throwing and handling exceptions

Creating a custom exception class

Throwing more than one exception

The finally block

The try-with-resources block

Creating a file object

Knowing the working directory and file existence

Creating, deleting and renaming files

Working with file attributes

Copying a file

Knowing the size of a file

Listing directories and files

Input and Output streams

Object serialization

Readers and writers

Standard input, output and error streams

Working with a file system

Working with paths

File operation on a path

Managing file attributes

The numeric, character and boolean wrapper classes

Autoboxing and Unboxing

The Scanner class

StringBuilder and StringBuffer

Date and Time API

Introduction to Generics

Supertype and subtype in generics

Unbounded, upper-bounded, and lower bounded wildcards

Generics methods and constructors

Generics and arrays

Introduction to Collection

Reason for why collection is needed

Architecture of the collection framework

The Collection interface

Traversing elements in collections

Understanding types of collection

Collection algorithms

Collection views

Creating empty and singleton collections

Understanding functional interface and lambda expression/p>

Exploring built-in functional interfaces

Introduction to Django MVT structure (Model, Views and Templates)

Lambda method references

Understanding streams and stream pipeline

Creating Streams

Introduction to Django MVT structure (Model, Views and Templates)

Intermediate and terminal operators

Primitive streams

Explaining the Optional class

Parallel streams

Conditions in Django

What is Regular expression


The Matcher and Pattern classes

Quantifiers in RegExp

Using named groups

What is Annotation

Declaring an Annotation Type

Restrictions on Annotation Types

Default values in annotation

Using annotations

Marker annotation types

Meta annotation types

Commonly used standard annotations

Understanding concurrency

Introduction and working with threads

Thread management

Atomic classes

The synchronized keyword

The Lock interface

Collections in concurrency

The ExecutorService and thread pools

Problems in Threads

Getting started with JDBC

Performing basic JDBC Operations

Introduction to Stored procedures

Transactions and Metadata

Introduction to BLOBs and CLOBs

Introduction to swing framework

Event handling in swing

Painting in swing

Swing framework components

Menus in swing

Download & Install Git on Mac & Windows

Git Setup: Your Name & Email

Create a New Local Git Repository (Initialize Repository)

Stage & Commit Files

GitHub: Push to a Remote Repository

GitHub: Clone (Download) a Remote Repository

How to Handle Merge Conflicts

View a List of Commits & Undo Changes

Branches: Create, Switch, Push, Merge, & Delete

What’s Included:
  • Intensive 6 Months Practical Training
  • Study Materials + Resources
  • Projects
  • Internship
  • Examination
  • Certificate

Note: We have provision for conducive hostel accommodation.
Enroll Today and take advantage of our ongoing 35% Scholarship Program.
Normal Price:   ₦583,000
Our Scholarship Offer:   ₦379,000

We have a flexible payment plan that accommodates all backgrounds, and all you need to do is follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Click Here To Fill The Application Form.

Note - After filling the form, you'll be redirected to your portal where you will be asked to pay a one-time Application Fee of ₦5,000. (This covers your Application Form, ID Card, Jotter, Pen & Sticker)

Step 2 - We will review your application and send an email or SMS upon approval.

Step 3 - Log in to your portal to proceed with the tuition fee.

Here are the payment plans:

Option 1 - You may choose to pay once

Option 2 - Pay every month

We can't wait to welcome you on board and embark on this exciting journey together!

Claim your 35% Scholarship today by clicking Here Now